Senior Adult Ministry

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia
Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Linda Mitchell

Ministry Leader

Caring For Seniors Ministry

Northern Heights Baptist Church extends a welcome and helping hand to all senior adults, this is not exclusive to our church family, we strive to reach out to our community and surrounding communities.  We have a group of senior adults that use their time and talent to assure they make a difference in someone’s life.  This outreach ministry is designed to help encourage others who have a need, from reading the Bible to visiting the those who are in nursing homes, or just doing something to make their lives more pleasant.

Primetimes Ministry

 This ministry opportunity is open to all who are 55 or older.  Our senior adults are so important to our Church and most of all to our Lord.  The Church desires to give them a place to continue to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and allow them to express the wisdom they have achieved through their life experiences.  Our purpose is to meet the needs of our seniors spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.  We strive to strengthen and encourage our community of senior adults so that we may exalt the Lord together.  In addition, we aim to challenge and encourage our seniors to continue developing and using their gifts, skills, and experiences as they serve God.

Fellowship, Encouragement, Friendship, Compassion and Outreach

Fellowship: There are many ways to have fellowship, but our main purpose of fellowship is found in (John 1:7).

Encouragement: All of us need to be encouraged, seniors face many challenges as age creeps up on us (See Hebrews 10:25).

Friendship: We are all about building relationship’s (See Proverbs 17:7).

Compassion: We want to be people of compassion.

Outreach: We believe our best is still ahead and that being a Senior Adult means that we have the opportunity to touch lives and make an impact for Christ. 

At NHBC we have many service opportunities for our senior adults:

Visitation at local nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living facilities, and home-bound outreach.

Church activities include: Special monthly and quarterly occasions planned by the senior group (luncheons, craft workshops, banquets, scenic road trips, and many more.

Bible Studies, reaching out and helping when we have a senior that has a need or crisis in the family.

Food Delivery-during monthly food distribution.

Projects to help promote and support all ministries within our Church.

Christmas Projects, Valentine banquet, Food Baskets.

Support and play an active role in other ministries of our Church.

Photo book ministry - photography by Greer Laporte.

Bereavement ministry

Supporting local community activities such as: Christmas Hope for families, Adopt an Angel program, National Night Out Program (Back to School for the Kids), Senior Olympics, and many more community activities.