
Worship Him Only Always

Worship for Kids

The kids start off their morning with their very own Praise and Worship Rally!!  This consists of multiple songs to sing, cool dance moves and they even learn sign language.  The kids have weekly lessons which challenge them to learn more, memorize verses and to read and retain books of the Bible.  WHOA allows the kids opportunity to earn points based on their growing knowledge of God and His Word that can later be redeemed for prizes.  The kids are EXCITED to come to church, but most of all, it‘s building a strong Godly foundation in each of them.  There’s a lot of fun to be had worshiping and learning about our Savior so come on over and join us!!! 

How Kids Earn Points

REDEMTION-A-TOR:  What’s a REDEMPTION-N-ATOR you ask?  This is a SUPER COOL see through booth that the child steps into and once turned on there is fake paper money flying all around them!! They have 10 seconds to catch as much money as they can and for every dollar caught they earn a point!  Who can get in the REDEMPTION-N-ATOR?  Any child that brings a friend with them to Worship Rally gets to get in and GUESS WHAT??  The friend gets to get in too!!  This encourages the kids to get excited about bringing friends with them to church. More importantly we are encouraging them that as Christians we should be doing that and sharing the Gospel with others!

BIBLES:  We encourage kids to bring their Bibles with them to every service.  You wouldn’t send a soldier out onto the battle field without his weapon would you?  We encourage the kids to come prepared with the tools God has given us and we show them how to use them.  It warms the heart to see some of the older kids helping the younger ones find books and chapters of the Bible.  The more it’s used the more comfortable they become with it and with leaning on God’s word in times of trouble.  Just by walking in the door with their Bible they earn a point!!  How easy is that? 

REDEMPTION FORM:  We have forms available for the kids to take home and work on to get extra credit and in turn to earn more points.  The kids can earn points for chapters read and for books of the Bible read.  The forms must be signed off on by a parent and the child must write a few paragraphs on what they read and learned.  This is an awesome way for the kids to get in the Word and to retain it!!

WEEKLY BIBLE VERSE:  Every Sunday we have a Bible verse that goes along with our lesson.  If the child memorizes and recites the verse in class from the previous week they can receive a point.  These points can add up quickly!! 

SERVING:  We encourage the kids to participate in other ways of serving. We have monthly food distributions as well as activities they help our Senior Adults with.  And they can receive points for helping. Also if they participate or help with anything else in the community they receive points for that as well.  It’s important that we teach our kids to have a serving heart and love others! 

There are so many ways for these kids to get in the Word of God and to worship our Savior. Let’s encourage them in their everyday life and struggles that all things are possible with God and we should Worship Him Only Always!

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Whitney Davis

WHOA Leader

Here Are Just A Few Other Faces That Your Children Will See While Enjoying WHOA and Wee-WHOA!!

Baptist Church Cordele Georgia

Tiffany Sinyard

Other helpers not pictured: Amanda Dean and Brittney Strickland